March 15, 2021
Oh, hey there! Remember me?
Oh, hey there! Remember me?? It’s been a minute, but I’m still here! Like most people I’m sure, I found the last year to be quite overwhelming {in the moments...
March 15, 2021
Oh, hey there! Remember me?? It’s been a minute, but I’m still here! Like most people I’m sure, I found the last year to be quite overwhelming {in the moments...
December 30, 2016
Another holiday season has come and gone. We survived! Honestly, the last few weeks of holiday craziness has been a bit of a blur. Our days were filled with holiday...
December 14, 2016
How is the world is it already almost the end of the year?! I have NO idea where the last few weeks and months have gone…probably just lost in the...
October 24, 2016
There I go again…another 3 weeks flew by somehow. Well, actually, I know how I spent the last few weeks… SICK! Our whole house has been saddled with one thing...
September 16, 2016
Hi friends! Remember me? I know it’s been awhile, but somehow the last month has FLOWN by. We’ve had a lot of fun + adventures to keep us busy including vacation,...